
Henshin! A Sentai RPG - Guest Stars Expansion

Created by Cave of Monsters Games

The world of Henshin! A Sentai RPG is expanding with 6 new playbooks! Reserve your copy of the book today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Surveys drop today!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 01:49:10 PM

Hi all, 

Sam here with your monthly Henshin! Guest Stars Expansion update. 

As promised in our last update, Backerkit surveys have gone out to your emails (the email associated with Kickstarter). In the survey, you should see all of your rewards, physical add-ons you added during the course of the campaign and any questions for those in the Make Me a Connection or Make a Monster tiers. 

You'll have the opportunity here to add other items if you want and provide your shipping address. I'll be leaving surveys open until the end of June so please fill them out before then!

You'll also see a remaining balance for shipping, which was not paid during the campaign. Please note that any add-ons of physical books will add a few dollars to your overall shipping so keep that in mind as you finalize things. You will be charged for shipping at the beginning of July, as we get closer to actual fulfillment.

For the people in the Make Me a Connection & Make a Monster tier, if you could please fill out your surveys by the beginning of April, that would be great in helping us stay on track with incorporating that creative content into the book. 

For those of you with PDF add-ons, fulfillment will be handled through the Backerkit file management system closer to October. 

Feel free to reach out here or at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. 

Outside of all this operational work, we've started work on the modules, module artwork and playbook for Clear! I'm hoping to have some sketches to share in the next few weeks but until then.

Let's Henshin!, 


Thanks for an amazing campaign!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 08:43:55 AM

Hi all!

First of all, thanks for an amazing campaign! 

Over the course of our 30 days together, we saw so much activity and excitement for the Guest Stars Expansion and just Henshin! in general. One thing I love about this campaign, is it is a great chance for people to get introduced to the game in general which is always a special thing. 

So now that we're funded, what happens next?

  • Kickstarter should have already charged your card. If you are experiencing any issues with that, please work with them directly to resolve that over the next two weeks. If there are any outstanding backers at the end of the two weeks, I'll contact you directly about what you want to do. 
  • On March 8th, you'll start to receive surveys through Backerkitthat will collect your address information, give you a sense of what shipping will be (you won't be charged for shipping until June) and ask for reward specific information for those who signed up to be a Connection or contribute a Monster idea. I'll send another update out when those go out. 

Speaking of Backerkit, I've also created a pre-order store that you can access here: 

This page will give you the opportunity to add another copy of the Guest Stars Expansion if you want it or discounted copies of the other CoM physical games. 

This will be up until March 8th and will close down when Surveys go out so we can more accurately capture shipping info based on what you have in your cart!

And that's all for now. I'll be posting monthly updates with progress on the campaign as we make it, to give you a sneak peak on module art, how Clear is coming along and all the other production goodies!

Until then, let's Henshin!,


Let's open up the rest of the stretch goals!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 09:10:38 AM

Hey, hi, hello folks, 

Sam here from Cave of Monsters Games, coming to you in our third week of funding for the Henshin! Guest Stars Expansion Kickstarter

We’ve met our goal! Thank you to those folks who have already backed the campaign and to those of you who have shared the link. We couldn’t have done this without you and I’m grateful that we’ve got some time left, to make this the best print run it could be. 

So to that end, I am releasing all of our stretch goals today, so you can see everything I’d like to do, to make this Expansion the best that it can be!

If we hit 12k before February 8th, I’ll add another color to the Expansion...Clear! 

I’ve always wanted to create a Bulk & Skull type playbook…a character who is more of a menace than an actual enemy, whose goals are to undermine the Squad in some way. But in doing so, they grow much closer to them and realize their own power…for better or worse. I feel like it could be played a ton of different ways, like as a strict parent, a lost god being tormenting the mentor or just a school bully.  

If we hit 12k, I’ve already got Zachary Sterling onboard to do the art for this and you’ll get to see the exclusive design process! 

Now, for our last goal, I’ve got another addition planned but it’s for something outside of the book itself. If we hit 16k, I will include an enamel pin set of the Henshin! Helmets to all physical orders!

These helmets are featured in the original book, as part of the layout and have been used in most CoM funding. It’s our flag really and I think it would be fun to bring the helmets to life in a way, as a way to celebrate CoM and the mission to make weird things. 

Now that everything is out on the floor, where does that leave us? Well, we’ve 10 days left to go and are the following amounts away from hitting each goal: 

  • $1,199 or 25 Backers, from Unlocking Marcostatsu’s Module, Taste Makers.
  • $3,199 or 70 backers, from Adding Clear to the book, as a 7th Guest Star.
  • $7,199 or 160 backers, from Adding a Pin Set to each Physical Order.

I feel confident that we can hit it but only with your help in either pledging now or sharing with people who you know would like it. 

I hope that you can understand from this data that every backer we gain has a real impact, especially when we have some big tiers still open. For those curious… 

  • Our CoM bundle, which features Henshin!, Rider Konchu and 3 Minutes, alongside the Expansion, is our most popular physical tier, clocking in at 31 backers. It’s a great deal and it shows! 
  • We’ve also filled out 25 of our 30 Make Me a Connection! tier, 4 of our 6 Make a Monster! tiers and our Make a Module! Spot is still open. Still lots of opportunities to participate! 
  • And just because I made two covers to see which would be more popular, Navy vs Multi-Colored has 4 pledges more than Gray vs Brown, in the close race of 28 vs 24. It’s great to use the art this way and give people what they want. 

I really want to make this the best possible version of the book it can be. Henshin! is such a fun game that really allows players a ton of freedom to do with it what they want. 

Adding more opportunities for variety, with new stories to tell, is a blast. I hope that comes through in this email and I hope you’ll consider pledging if you haven’t already. 



Our next stretch goal...revealed!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 09:30:25 AM

Hi all, 

Hope you had a great weekend! 

We’re entering the 3rd week of our campaign and as such, wanted to bring you up to speed about where things are at and what’s next!

We’ve seen a tremendous jump in support, going from 72% of our goal to a whopping 96%! This means that with 16 days left in the campaign, we are only 4% away from being funded! 

We’ve also unlocked one of our new modules, Crop Catastrophe, from Ranger Liz, as we hit and exceeded 175 Backers! That means that there will be a total of 4 pre-made adventures included in the book!

And that’s not all! Today, we’re revealing our next stretch goal, which is another module, this time from Tokusatsu YouTuber, Marcotatsu! Here’s the description of the module that Marcos has got cooked up for us, which we’re calling Taste Makers!

“Strange things have been occurring in and around Washington, DC. Overnight, people are changing, either showing a much uglier side of themselves or appearing devoid of any kind of charisma. It’s almost as if they were twisted, like in a fun house mirror. In fact, that’s exactly the case! A war party from the Mirror Dimension has arrived in America’s capital, committed to taking down the nation from the inside. But America has its own twist up its sleeve! Made up of members from every corner of the fashion world, an official government agency has been formed, to put a stop to any bad looks and take down this invading party, all in the name of looking good!”

This will only be unlocked though if we get funded and hit $10,000! So now’s the time to help spread the word about the campaign! There are still a ton of ways for people to get involved, if they haven't already, with 2 of the 6 Make a Monster slots remaining or maybe you want to write your own module!

Regardless of how you want to get involved, we can’t do this without your help!

Last design post for the week!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 09:02:55 AM

To round out the week, we're going to stack TWO designs in one mega post, for what we're hoping is a brilliant end of week push!

Enjoy the last of our design series with a look at the right hand man to the Big Bad, Brown and the monster with a different idea of how to spend it's time, Multi-Colored!

"Brown was such a joy to design. There’s no shortage of fantastic right-hand, general-type baddies in the sentai world and for some reason, I kept seeing teeth as a motif in my head so I just leaned into it until I arrived at a shark man. Throw in a little 90s tough guy vibes, and then it became fun to see how many parts of the design could be toothified."

"This monster’s design was so hard to figure out, but so satisfying too. Since I knew from the start that a lot of different colors had to be incorporated, a giant pile of laundry seemed like a great way to get there. The first thing I had was an eyeball washing machine, but once I added a hamper version of a big straw hat, I knew I had my monster."

What do you think about how Zack approached these designs? 

Let us know in the comments!